Bocas provides a tranquil and secure lifestyle with very low rates of violent crime. Additionally, it is a safe place to visit from a health perspective.
Since Bocas del Toro is located in a tropical area, the bugs seem more prominent depending on the time of day and the location in Bocas Archipelagos. As the temperature rises and the humidity increases, it's not only an ideal time for outdoor activities but also for the appearance of mosquitoes. These annoying insects tend to flourish in hot and damp environments, and the climate patterns of a particular area can influence their numbers. They are most commonly seen one hour before and after sunrise and sunset and are rarely present during the day and night.
Simple health safety guidelines can help avoid health problems. Before venturing outside when mosquitoes are active, it is advisable to apply insect/mosquito repellent, especially if you are allergic. Use bug repellents containing 20-30% DEET and coconut oil as a natural alternative or other safety measure. Light a citronella candle or a spiral in your home or hotel, or turn on the fans. If possible, spread repellents around your house from time to time.
Bocas has a new hospital, dental clinic, private health clinics, and several pharmacies. If you need moderate medical attention, you can get it locally. If you have a medical emergency or require more serious medical assistance, you should head to David or Panama City. A MEDEVAC helicopter is available to transport you to the appropriate medical facilities in case of an emergency.